Sessions will generally take place Monday-Friday, between 11am-7pm, at the studio in Bushwick. You will be able to schedule sessions based on your availability.
If the sessions involve on-camera work, all the footage from the work sessions are included.
It is recommended to schedule one session per week, so that you have proper time to process and prepare for each session.
Please contact me for bookings + any questions!
Interview with Ellie Reid
Feel nervous about singing? Want to learn how to find authenticity in your voice?
Jump into a three-week journey focused on exploring your mindset surrounding your voice and building pathways that will help you be brave and believe in yourself as a singer.
Weekly 80-minute 1:1 sessions (3 sessions total)
Each session will be customized for each artist based on their needs after the introduction, but generally it’s 50:50 singing and talking.
No prior voice training required but recommended.
Interview with Jessica Ziolkowski
Feel nervous about photo shoots? Want to learn how to find authenticity in front of a camera?
Jump into a three-week journey focused on learning how to be brave and creative in front of the camera.
Weekly 80-minute 1:1 sessions (3 sessions total)
Each session will be customized for each artist based on their needs.
10 edited photos / all proofs included